Cotillard: 9/11 Controversial comments

Image: Marion Cotillard

Dan Steinberg / AP
In a 2007 interview, Oscar winner Marion Cotillard of France questioned the collapse of the Twin Towers in the Sept. 11 attacks.

Cotillard appeared to have called into question the collapse of the Twin Towers in the year old interview.

"I think we're lied to about a number of things," Cotillard said in the interview, which despite being a year old, resurfaced on the Internet recently. "We see other towers of the same kind being hit by planes. Are they burned? [There] was a tower, I believe it was in Spain, which burned for 24 hours. It never collapsed. None of these towers collapsed. And there [in New York ], in a few minutes, the whole thing collapsed."

The actress also claimed the World Trade Center was in need of extensive repair work, as part of her opinion.

"It was a money-sucker because they were finished, it seems to me, by 1973, and to re-cable all that, to bring up-to-date all the technology and everything, it was a lot more expensive, that work, than destroying them,” she added."


Anonymous March 3, 2008 at 9:03 PM

hey Mythbusters!

u want ratings? fly a plane into a tower or two..

i'd trust them b4 the 911 commission anyday...

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